cisprimertool: software to implement a comparative genomics strategy for the development of conserved intron scanning (CIS) markers

Mol Ecol Resour. 2008 May;8(3):575-7. doi: 10.1111/j.1471-8286.2007.02035.x.


The availability of complete, annotated genomic sequence information in model organisms is a rich resource that can be extended to understudied orphan crops through comparative genomic approaches. We report here a software tool (cisprimertool) for the identification of conserved intron scanning regions using expressed sequence tag alignments to a completely sequenced model crop genome. The method used is based on earlier studies reporting the assessment of conserved intron scanning primers (called CISP) within relatively conserved exons located near exon-intron boundaries from onion, banana, sorghum and pearl millet alignments with rice. The tool is freely available to academic users at