Anti-EGFR antibodies show benefits for some K-ras wild-type patients. Addinganti -VEGF monoclonal antibodies to stateof- the-art adjuvant chemotherapy for stage II or III colon cancer does not improve disease-free survival. Bevacizumab shows an additive effect for FOLFOX/FOLFIRI therapy as a first-line chemotherapy. Anti-EGFR therapy has limited adaptation as a first-line chemotherapy based on current evidence and adverse events. When the disease is greatly influenced by tumor regression or has high risk with bevacizumab, anti-EGFR therapy may be used as first-line chemotherapy. Anti-EGFR therapy is recommended as second- or third-line chemotherapy. FOLFIRI therapy is recommended as a second-line therapy and IRI+ Cmab therapy is recommended as a third-line therapy in cases when it is possible to treat usingthree or higher lines. Supportive care is especially important to improve the treatment outcome.