Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is a prerequisite of developing cervical cancer, approximately half of which are associated with HPV type 16. HPV 16 encodes three oncogenes, E5, E6, and E7, of which E5 is the least studied so far. Its roles in regulating replication and pathogenesis of HPV are not fully understood. Here we utilize high-throughput screening to coordinately investigate the effect of E5 on the expression of host protein-coding and microRNA genes. MicroRNAs form a class of 22nt long noncoding RNAs with regulatory activity. Among the altered cellular microRNAs we focus on the alteration in the expression of miR-146a, miR-203 and miR-324-5p and their target genes in a time interval of 96 hours of E5 induction. Our results indicate that HPV infection and subsequent transformation take place through complex regulatory patterns of gene expression in the host cells, part of which are regulated by the E5 protein.