Background: The British Association for Paediatric Nephrology Registry was established fifteen years ago to analyse data related to renal replacement therapy for children. The registry receives data from the 13 paediatric nephrology centres in the UK. In 2008 the registry was relocated to the UK Renal Registry (UKRR).
Aim: To provide centre specific data so that individual centres can reflect on the contribution that their data makes to the national picture and to determine the extent to which their patient parameters meet nationally agreed audit standards for the management of children with established renal failure.
Method: Data were submitted by either paper or electronic returns. Data were analysed to calculate summary statistics and where applicable the percentage achieving an audit standard. The standards used were those set out by the Renal Association and the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence.
Results: Data were received from all but one centre. Anthropometric data confirmed that children with established renal failure (ERF) in the UK are short compared with their peers with no change in recent trends. In the UK as a whole, the control of blood pressure, anaemia and bone biochemistry is suboptimal.
Conclusions: Key features of this report are the provision of centre specific data and comparison of data to audit standards. It is hoped that this information will provide a basis for discussion and a stimulus to improve the care of children with ERF.
Copyright © 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel.