The Forkhead box transcription factors, Foxc1 and Foxc2, are crucial for development of the eye, cardiovascular network, and other physiological systems, but their cell-type specific and postdevelopmental functions are unknown, in part because conventional (i.e., whole-organism) homozygous-null mutations of either factor result in perinatal death. Here, we describe the generation of mice with conditional-null Foxc1(flox) and Foxc2(flox) mutations that are induced via Cre-mediated recombination. Mice homozygous for the unrecombined alleles are viable and fertile, indicating that the conditional alleles retain their wild-type function. The embryos of Foxc1(flox) or Foxc2(flox) mice crossed with Cre-deleter mice that are homozygous for the recombined allele (i.e., Foxc1(Δ/Δ) or Foxc2(Δ/Δ) embryos) lack expression of the corresponding gene and show the same developmental defects observed in conventional homozygous mutant embryos. We expect these conditional mutations to enable characterization of the cell-type specific functions of Foxc1 and Foxc2 in development, disease, and adult animals.
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