A 56-year-old man was diagnosed with esophageal cancer by upper gastrointestinal endoscopy for examination of dysphagia. The patient had undergone total gastrectomy and jejunal interposition 4 years previously for a gastric cancer at the pT1N0M0 stage according to the UICC-TNM classification. Enhanced CT findings revealed a 3-cm-diameter mass located near the superior mesenteric artery. We conducted subtotal esophagectomy associated with partial jejunectomy including mesojejunectomy. The mass was histologically diagnosed to be mesojejunal lymph node metastasis from esophageal cancer. Mesojejunal lymph node metastasis from esophageal cancer developing after total gastrectomy has been reported in only three cases including ours. The present lymph node metastases may have occurred via the newly developed lymphatic drainage route through the esophagojejunostomy, and this metastatic lymph node can be considered the regional lymph node. Therefore, resection of the interposed jejunal limb with mesojejunectomy may be rational in surgery on esophageal cancer developing after total gastrectomy.