Injuries resulting from accidents and violence occupy a key place in the current epidemiological scenario. The head and face are one of the main sites of lesions from external causes, especially dental and oral injuries. This article aims to present the epidemiological profile of emergency care for dental and oral lesions from external causes. The study used data from the Surveillance System for Violence and Accidents (VIVA) for the years 2006 and 2007. There were a total of 106,075 emergency visits involving external causes, of which 939 (~1%) presented dental and oral lesions. There were a majority or large proportions of males (65.5%), children < 10 years (44.3%), black individuals (66%), and individuals with low schooling (45.9%). High proportions of the injuries occurred at home (48.3%) or on public byways (30%). Frequent characteristics were cuts or puncture wounds (63.3%) and lesions resulting from falls (43%), traffic accidents (19.9%), and physical assault (13%).