HVOO is a rare complication after pediatric LT, which may lead to graft failure. There are various causes of HVOO, such as mechanical anastomotic obstruction and SOS. A 10-month-old female underwent split LT from a deceased donor for ALF. Her postoperative course was uneventful. However, her liver function suddenly deteriorated a month later. A liver biopsy revealed centrilobular injury, and D-US suggested outflow obstruction. Venography was performed to reveal hepatic venous narrowing inside the graft. She received another graft from a living donor because of progressive graft failure in spite of successful venoplasty with stent insertion. The macroscopic findings of the explanted graft did not show an anastomotic stricture of the hepatic vein, although the pathological findings revealed necrosis of the first graft due to SOS. SOS might cause severe consequences with concomitant mechanical outflow obstruction after pediatric LT.
© 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.