Nine children (mean age 20 months), with proven primary malignant hepatic tumors have been examined prospectively by high-field magnetic resonance (MR) imaging to assess tumor resectability. All patients had comparative ultrasonography (US), 8 patients had X-Ray computed tomography (CT), and surgical correlation was available in 8 patients. The hepatic and portal veins and the inferior vena cava were visualized in all patients on MR and in 4 of 8 patients on CT. MR accurately defined liver parenchymal involvement in all 8 patients who had surgical exploration. CT underestimated disease in 2 cases, and defined tumour margins less clearly than MR. MR identified abnormal extrahepatic tissue when present, but was unable to distinguish viable tumor from necrotic tumor or reactive nodes. High quality short TR/short TE spin echo images were obtained by combining cardiac triggering and signal averaging. Short TI inversion recovery images demonstrated tumor and lymphadenopathy most clearly. We conclude that MR is the imaging method of choice for the assessment of liver tumor resectability in children.