Background: SAGM is currently the standard additive solution used in Europe, while AS-3 is the third additive solution that has been licensed in the USA, and is also the one used in part of Canada. Although AS-3 is based on a saline-adenine-glucose solution, it also contains citrate and phosphate. Storage of red blood cell concentrates in CPD-SAGM is known to lead to the accumulation of a wide series of storage lesions, including membrane protein fragmentation and vesiculation, as we could previously determine through 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis.
Materials and methods: Through 2D-SDS-IEF-polyacrilamide gel electrophoresis we performed a time course analysis (day 0, 21 and 42 of storage) of red blood cell membranes from leukocyte-filtered concentrates either stored in CPD-SAGM or CP2D-AS-3.
Results and discussion: From the present study it emerges that the membrane protein profile of red blood cells stored in presence of AS-3 appears to be slightly different from (better than) previous reports on SAGM-stored counterparts. However, the increase of total membrane spot number due to the presence of fragments at day 21 and the significant decrease at day 42 are suggestive of a universal phenomenon which is not efficiently tackled by either of the two additive solutions investigated in the present study.
Conclusion: To further delve into the storage lesion issue for RBCs stored in AS-3, it would be interesting in the future to assay metabolic changes over storage progression as well.