The aim of our study was to assess the effectiveness of the ptosis induced by injection of Lantox (botulotoxin type A) into levator muscle projection in neurosurgical patients with lagophthalmos and trophic keratitis. The study included 66 patients at the age from 11 to 67 years. Lantox dose used was 10-25 U. Ptosis appeared after 1-7 days. Complete induced ptosis developed in 1-17 days and remained within 6-150 days. Full induced eyelid ptosis developed in 44 patients. Incomplete ptosis was observed in 19 patients. Drug resistance was seen in 3 patients. Our study results demonsrated effectiveness of the induced ptosis: complete recourse of trophic keratitis at development was seen in patients with complete drug-induced ptosis and significant decrease of trophic keratitis was observed in patients with semi-ptosis.