Intractable posterior epistaxis remains a challenging problem for our specialty Conventional management options in the form of anterior and posterior packing, arterial ligation of the internal maxillary or the external carotid artery and embolization, are not entively satisfactory because of morbidity, high failure rates, and occasional significant complication. Our experience with endoscopic sphenopalatine artery ligation for four patients with posterior existaxis is described. All patients had epistaxis refractory to anterior and posterior nasal packing, which was rapidly controlled following the procedure. The technique of spheno-palatine artery ligation is described. The technique is simple and effective and prevents the morbidity and complications of nasal packing. It is especially useful in systemically compromised individuals who otherwise tolerate nasal packing poorly. and should be one of the treatment options to be considered relatively early in the management of epistaxis refractory to anterior & posterior nasal packing.