Objective: To evaluate intraoperative graft patency and identify grafts under risk of early occlusion.
Methods: Fifty four patients were submitted to coronary artery bypass surgery and the graft flow was assessed by the Flowmeter (Medtronic Medistim), which utilizes the TTFM method. Three patients had left main disease and 48 had normal or mildly reduced left ventricular function.
Results: In hospital mortality was 3.7% (two patients), one for mesenteric thrombosis and one due to cardiogenic chock. Seventeen patients (34%) were submitted to off pump CABG. Arterial Graft flow measures ranged from 8 to 106 ml/min (average 31.14 ml/min), and venous grafts flow ranged from 9 to 149 ml/min (average 50.42 ml/min).
Conclusion: Flowmeter use represents higher safety both for patients and surgeons. Even under legal aspects, the documentation provided by the device can avoid future questionings.