In 1983, a bulky and profusely illustrated textbook on molecular and cell biology began to inhabit the shelves of university libraries worldwide. The effect of capturing the eyes and souls of biologists was immediate as the book provided them with a new and invigorating outlook on what cells are and what they do.
Publication types
Historical Article
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
MeSH terms
Cell Biology / education*
Cell Biology / organization & administration
Cell Biology / trends
Congresses as Topic
History, 20th Century
History, 21st Century
Models, Biological
Molecular Biology / education*
Molecular Biology / organization & administration
Molecular Biology / trends
Practice Guidelines as Topic
Professional Practice / standards
Professional Practice / trends
Publications / history
Publications / statistics & numerical data*
Publications / trends
Publishing / organization & administration
Societies, Scientific
Teaching / methods
Teaching / trends*
Teaching Materials / supply & distribution