Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between alveolar bone cortical thickness (ABCT) and age in the maxillae and mandible in humans. This information could then be translated into clinical application with temporary anchorage devices (TADs) in orthdontics.
Methods: Samples comprised 82 post-mortem CT datasets (41 males and 41 females) aged between 11 to 50 years, and were divided into five different age groups and gender. Alveolar ABCT was measured in the labial/buccal and palatal/lingual sides of the incisor, canine, premolar, molar and tuberosity/retromolar regions of the maxillae and mandible. Correlations between ABCT and age and gender were analysed with linear regression analysis.
Results: Strong correlation between ABCT and age was found for the maxilla on the labial side of the maxillary incisor region (p < 0.001). On the palatal aspect, significant correlations between ABCT and age were found in the maxillary incisor and maxillary premolar regions (p = 0.01 and p = 0.047 respectively). Significant correlation between ABCT and gender was found only at the buccal aspect of the maxillary molar region (p = 0.022). In the mandible, a statistically significant correlation between ABCT and age was found in the cortical bone of the labial side of the mandibular incisor region (p = 0.017). However, statistically significant negative correlation between ABCT and age was found in the mandibular canine region (p = 0.033). The only site to demonstrate a significant difference in change in ABCT with age between males and females was the lingual side of the retromolar region, in which female ABCT increased more than in males (slope = 0.015).
Conclusions: There is minimal clinically significant correlation between ABCT and age at the alveolar bone level. Although investigations show statistically significant correlations, these may not be clinically significant as those regions are not ideal for anchorage reinforcement with TADs in orthodontic practice.
© 2013 Australian Dental Association.