Botulinum toxin, frequently used to manage focal limb spasticity, has been reported to affect both extrafusal and intrafusal fibers of the injected muscle. Since most studies have used spinal reflexes, it is difficult to isolate the intrafusal effects from extrafusal and central effects. In a paper by On et al. [7], both stretch and H-reflexes were used to examine the intrafusal effects of botulinum toxin injections. Revisiting the data from On et al. [7] presented a unique opportunity to describe a novel method of measuring the effect of botulinum toxin-A on muscle spindle activity in patients with spasticity. H-reflex, maximum M-wave, and Achilles tendon reflex were serially assessed in ten patients with stroke pre-, 2, 4, and 12 weeks post-botulinum. In order to assess the intrafusal effects, we subtracted the %change in H-reflex amplitude from baseline (representing extrafusal and central effects) from the %change in Achilles tendon reflex amplitude from baseline (representing intrafusal, extrafusal and central effects). Using this formula, our results suggest that botulinum induces significant chemodenervation of the intrafusal muscle fibers (33% decreases). Intrafusal effects were greatest at 2 weeks, but tapered off by 12 weeks post-botulinum (p<0.017). We found a significant positive correlation between the intrafusal effects of botulinum toxin and changes in modified Ashworth scale. Our method of assessing the effects of botulinum toxin shows significant effect on intrafusal fibers, which correlates with clinical manifestation of spasticity. Future studies need to investigate ways to maximize intrafusal effects and minimize extrafusal effects of botulinum therapy.
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