Introduction: During liver resection, in same case of inflamed, steatotic or neo-vascularized liver parenchyma, reaching of haemostasis on the liver resection surface could be very difficult for the surgeon because of the presence of fragile tissue that does not allows the proper placement of stitches, and the conventional method fail.
Presentation of case: The authors describe a novel technique in which, after a formal liver resection, liver haemostasis is achieved using radiofrequency energy on the resected surface. A patient affected by a hystiocytic sarcoma localized on the VI-V and IVa segments was scheduled for liver resection. During the resection a diffuse bleeding from the resected surface started with little success obtained with conventional method. So we decided to use the coagulative necrosis generated by the radiofrequency, using a cool type cluster needle, hand-piece with 3 needle, bending 2 needles in a way resembling a "fork", to reach a complete and definitive haemostasis.
Discussion: Haemostasis remains a critical issue in liver surgery not only for the catastrophic effect of haemorrhage but also because it is correlated to complications rate and to survival. The coagulative necrosis generated by the radiofrequency could be used to facilitate the creation of a necrotic plane to be transacted.
Conclusion: The use of the radiofrequency energy, delivered through needles, is suggested when the conventional techniques fail to reach a proper haemostasis after a liver resection or, to consider its use, prior to resect the liver in presence of fragile parenchyma.
Copyright © 2013 Surgical Associates Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.