[How to approach the discipline of "nursing science" in France?]

Rech Soins Infirm. 2013 Mar:(112):6-13.
[Article in French]


The last four years have seen the development of supports toward research in nursing and other healthcare professionals' research, along with the fact that, nursing education has become part of university programs. Professional and scientific landscapes are changing and the opening perspectives let glimpse a growing professionalization of nurses' activities but also, raise the question of the nursing science construction in France. By considering interdisciplinary work, as an approach for complex situations of care, by specifying the purpose of the production of nursing scientific knowledge in order to meet the population needs of healthcare, by explaining the purpose of nursing research and theoretical elements that allow its construction, the following article offers an epistemological reflection on the evolution of the profession and on the construction of a nursing scientific discipline in France.

Publication types

  • English Abstract

MeSH terms

  • Evidence-Based Nursing*
  • France
  • Humans
  • Nursing Research*
  • Nursing*