Introduction: No data on the prevalence of erectile dysfunction (ED) in subjects with newly diagnosed Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) are currently available.
Aim: The aim of the present study was to estimate the prevalence of ED and its associated causes in a sample of male patients with recently diagnosed DM (<24 months) attending a diabetes care center.
Methods: The study comprised two phases: a cross-sectional analysis and a longitudinal reassessment of the data collected during the first phase. During the first phase, 1503 subjects (mean age 58.7±8.9 yr) from 27 centers were interviewed: 666 (43.3%) reported experiencing ED, 499 of which (mean age 58.8±8.8 yr) agreed to participate in the study (final enrolment rate, 33.3%). Concurrent morbidities were hypertension (55.3%), dyslipidemia (39.5%), and coronary heart disease (7.8%); chronic complications were neuropathy (8.9%), nephropathy (12.6%) and retinopathy (7.6%) in about one third of the sample at enrolment.
Results: Overall, about 20% of the patients reported having used ED drugs, but more than 50% had abandoned therapy because of the drug's ineffectiveness or high cost. The prevalence of hypogonadism was 46.9% (total testosterone level, 3.5 ng/ml). Some 20% of patients reported symptoms suggestive of depression.
Conclusion: The present study provides data showing a high prevalence of ED, hypogonadism and depressive symptoms among male patients with newly diagnosed T2DM. Further analysis of the data will elucidate the specific determinants of such conditions and their longitudinal significance.