Objectives: To clarify radiological findings and hemodynamic characteristics of hepatic pseudolymphoma, as compared with the histopathological findings.
Methods: Radiological findings of ten histopathologically confirmed hepatic pseudolymphomas in seven patients were examined using US, CT, and MRI. Six patients also underwent angiography-assisted CT, including CT during arterial portography (CTAP) and CT during hepatic arteriography (CTHA) to analyze hemodynamics.
Results: The nodules were depicted as hypoechoic on US, hypodense on precontrast CT, hypointense on T1-weighted images, and hyperintense on T2-weighted images. On contrast-enhanced CT/MRI, they showed various degrees of enhancement, and sometimes, perinodular enhancement was observed at the arterial dominant and/or equilibrium phase. On CTAP, the nodules showed portal perfusion defects, including some in the perinodular liver parenchyma. On CTHA, irregular bordered enhancement was observed in perinodular liver parenchyma on early phase, and continued until delayed phase. Some nodules had preserved intra-tumoral portal tracts. Histopathologically, the nodules consisted of marked lymphoid cells. In perinodular liver parenchyma, stenosis or disappearance of portal venules, caused by lymphoid cell infiltration in the portal tracts, was observed.
Conclusions: Hepatic pseudolymphoma showed some characteristic radiological findings including hemodynamics on CT, MRI, and angiography-assisted CT. These findings are useful in the differentiation from hepatocellular carcinoma and other tumors.