Duplicated gall bladder detected on 99m Tc HIDA hepatobiliary scintigraphy: A report of two cases

Indian J Nucl Med. 2012 Oct;27(4):266-8. doi: 10.4103/0972-3919.115404.


Gall bladder (GB) duplication is a rare condition often found incidentally; most of these detected on screening Ultrasonography (USG) for abdominal colic. Nuclear hepatobiliary scan, popularly known as hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid (HIDA) scan, with its biliary kinetics, is highly specific for picking up abnormalities related to biliary tract and GB. We report two cases of duplication of GB visualized on HIDA scan. First case highlights the role of HIDA scan in diagnosis of duplicated GB, where USG was equivocal with a number of differentials, whereas in the second case, HIDA helped to rule out obstruction in this case of duplicated GB identified on USG; ruling out biliary cause for the abdominal colic.

Keywords: Duplication; gall bladder; hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid; hepatobiliary scan.

Publication types

  • Case Reports