Tuberculosis (TB) surveillance in China is organized through a nationwide network of about 3200 hospitals and health facilities. In 2005, an electronic Tuberculosis Information Management System (TBIMS) started to be phased in to replace paper recording. The TBIMS collects key information on TB cases notified in TB care facilities, and exchanges real-time data with the Infectious Disease Reporting System, which covers the country's 37 notifiable diseases. The system is accessible to authorized users at every level of the TB network through a password-protected website. By 2009 the TBIMS achieved nationwide coverage. Completeness of data on patient bacteriological end points improved remarkably over time. Data on about a million active TB cases, including drug-resistant TB, are included each year. The sheer scale of the data handling and the intricate functions that the China TBIMS performs makes it stand apart from the electronic information systems for TB adopted in other countries.
Keywords: case-based; data quality; surveillance.
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