When we view the visual world, our eyes move from one location to another about three times each second. When looking at pictures of natural scenes, neurologically intact individuals show a leftward bias in the direction of their first eye movement. The present study investigates the time course of this pseudoneglect and how it depends on task-related control. Eye movements were recorded from 72 participants, each viewing 135 scenes under three different viewing instructions (memorization, esthetic preference judgment, object-in-scene search). In the memorization and preference tasks, pseudoneglect had a maximum extent of about 1° and lasted for about 1500 msec, or 5 fixations. The effect was somewhat reduced in the preference task, which gave subjects free reign to fixate anywhere they wanted to. During scene search, a task that is guided primarily by top-down control, observers also showed a distinct pseudoneglect. Strikingly, a leftward bias was present even when the search object was located in the right hemispace. Search performance was not affected by the observed spatial asymmetries. The effects likely arise from a right-hemisphere dominance for visuo-spatial attention.
Keywords: Attention; Eye movements; Hemispheric asymmetry; Pseudoneglect; Scene perception.
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