Keywords: 2D; 3D; AP; AR; ASE; American Society of Echocardiography; Anteroposterior; Aortic regurgitation; BSA; Body surface area; CHD; CMR; CT; Cardiac magnetic resonance; Cardiovascular magnetic resonance; Computed tomography; Congenital heart disease; EF; Echocardiography; Ejection fraction; IVC; Imaging; Inferior vena cava; LGE; LPA; LV; Late gadolinium enhancement; Left pulmonary artery; Left ventricular; MDCT; MPA; MRA; Magnetic resonance angiography; Main pulmonary artery; Multidetector computed tomography; PA; PC; PR; PV; Phase-contrast; Pulmonary artery; Pulmonary regurgitation; Pulmonary valve; RA; RPA; RV; RVOT; Right atrial; Right pulmonary artery; Right ventricular; Right ventricular outflow tract; SSFP; Steady-state free precession; TAPSE; TEE; TOF; TR; TSE; TV; Tetralogy of Fallot; Three-dimensional; Transesophageal echocardiography; Tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion; Tricuspid regurgitation; Tricuspid valve; Turbo (fast) spin-echo; Two-dimensional; VSD; Ventricular septal defect.