Ion current as a precise measure of the loading rate of a magneto-optical trap

Opt Lett. 2014 Jan 15;39(2):409-12. doi: 10.1364/OL.39.000409.


We have demonstrated that the ion current resulting from collisions between metastable krypton atoms in a magneto-optical trap can be used to precisely measure the trap loading rate. We measured both the ion current of the abundant isotope 83Kr (isotopic abundance=11%) and the single-atom counting rate of the rare isotope 85Kr (isotopic abundance∼1×10(-11)), and found the two quantities to be proportional at a precision level of 0.9%. This work results in a significant improvement in using the magneto-optical trap as an analytical tool for noble-gas isotope ratio measurements, and will benefit both atomic physics studies and applications in the earth sciences.