Goals: To characterize the clinical and treatment pattern in a large population of hepatitis B virus (HBV) patients managed at tertiary referral centers in clinical practice.
Background: Successful treatment, either with interferon (IFN) or nucleos(t)ide analogs (NUCs), of chronic HBV infection is associated with improved long-term patient outcome. However, in clinical practice, the actual management of these patients is not well characterized, and data regarding treatment pattern in this setting are lacking.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, we evaluated 505 patients chronically infected with HBV alone and who had at least 1-year follow-up. We assessed indication to, rate of, and type of treatment as well as the characteristics of treated patients.
Results: Overall prevalence of positivity for HBe antigen was 19.3%, and the majority of patients had chronic hepatitis (47.5%). Non-Italian patients represented approximately one third of the population (27.1%). Among patients with indication to antiviral therapy (n=318), treatment was actually carried out in 264 patients (83.0%), prevalently with NUCs (65.9%). IFN-treated patients were younger (P<0.001), more frequently male (P=0.025) and HBeAg positive (P=0.003), and less frequently cirrhotics (P<0.001) as compared with patients treated with NUCs.
Conclusions: In a geographical area with a low positivity for HBe antigen, antiviral therapy is actually carried out in the majority of patients who have indication to treatment, prevalently with NUCs, whereas IFN treatment is more frequently carried out in young, HBe antigen-positive patients who do not have advanced liver disease.