Purpose: To assess how some factors may influence the failure of labor induction.
Methods: We conducted a prospective observational study from January 2009 to December 2011 with 248 patients who were admitted to the Obstetrics Unit of Ferrara University for labor induction. We selected only patients with unfavorable characteristics such as nulliparity, maternal and gestational age, and Bishop score and specific obstetric conditions such as mild preeclampsia, isolated oligohydramnios, premature rupture membrane, gestational diabetes, and hypertension for the success of labor induction.
Results: The induction was carried out by rapid-release gel dinoprostone. 200 patients (80.6 %) delivered vaginally (Group A), while 48 (19.4 %) underwent a cesarean section (Group B). Maternal age was one independent significant variable (p = 0.01, OR 1.08) determining the risk of cesarean delivery. Patients affected by mild preeclampsia had a three times higher risk for cesarean section. Despite the several unfavorable characteristics of the patients, the cesarean section rate was comparable to that of the normal population.
Conclusions: Several factors and clinical conditions historically considered as negative predictors of induction result should be reassessed. The success of labor induction is determined by many maternal and fetal variables, which must all be taken into account to avoid unnecessary cesarean sections.
Keywords: Cesarean section; Dinoprostone; Labor induction; Vaginal PGE.