A 24-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital with acute paracetamol poisoning, and severe hepatic injury. The peak blood level of GOT, GPT and LDH were 32,600 U, 119,200 U and 36,500 U respectively. Glucagon-insulin and glutathione were administered to save the liver function. On the third hospital day, hemodialysis was administered to treat acute renal failure. On the 16th hospital day, when the liver and renal functions recovered, severe pulmonary congestion occurred and right heart catheterization revealed high pulmonary pressure. Echocardiography showed left ventricular enlargement accompanied by a severe diffuse impairment of left ventricular wall motion. Multi-focal ventricular arrhythmia was frequent during this period. Hemodialysis and artificial respiration were carried out for the treatment of heart failure. Three months after admission, myocardial perfusion scintigram showed patchy reduction in the uptake of Tl-201 throughout the myocardium, and left ventriculography showed mild diffuse impairment of the LV wall motion (ejection fraction: 49%). In this case, acute heart failure appeared approximately 2 weeks after the severe hepatic injury. Apparently myocardial damage following paracetamol overdosage is caused not only by direct toxicity but by severe metabolic derangement.