The interaction of dynein with ATP gamma S, a phosphorothioate analogue of ATP, has been investigated in depth. The hydrolyses of ATP gamma S and of ATP were shown to be mutually competitive. ATP gamma S induced complete dissociation of the microtubule-dynein complex such that the time course of dissociation monitored by stopped-flow light-scattering methods followed a single exponential. The ATP gamma S concentration dependence of the rate of dissociation was hyperbolic, indicating that the dissociation is at least a two-step process: M.D + ATP gamma S in equilibrium M.D.ATP gamma S----M + D.ATP gamma S. The fit to the hyperbola gives an apparent Kd = 0.5 mM for the binding of ATP gamma S to the microtubule-dynein complex, and the maximal rate of 45 s-1 defines the rate of dissociation of the ternary M.D.ATP gamma S complex. Rapid quench-flow experiments demonstrated that the hydrolysis of ATP gamma S by dynein exhibited an initial burst of product formation. The size of the burst was 1.2 mol/10(6) g of dynein, comparable to that in the case of ATP hydrolysis. The steady-state rate of ATP gamma S turnover by dynein was activated by MAP-free microtubules. Because the rate of ATP gamma S turnover is severalfold (4-8) slower than ATP turnover, the rate-limiting step must be release of thiophosphate, not ADP. Thus, microtubules can activate the rate of thiophosphate release. The stereochemical course of phosphoric residue transfer was determined by using ATP gamma S stereospecifically labeled in the gamma position with 18O.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)