Background: In Germany, the situation of GPs in training has received growing attention. Central funding of GPs in training who are working in ambulatory care has been increased up to 3 500 Euros/month. However, the contract conditions of GPs in training who are working in ambulatory care have been unknown as yet.
Methods: An online survey was undertaken. We recruited GPs in training by snowball sampling making use of national and local organisations of GPs and GPs in training. Our questionnaire consisted of questions concerning sociodemographic variables, gross wage, working hours, holidays and free days for educational purposes. Data were analysed by descriptive statistical methods.
Results: 152 participants fulfilled the inclusion criteria. 127 were full time GPs in training. The median of gross wage was 3 500 Euros/month, the mean gross wage was 3 878 Euros/month. The gross wage per hour was lower than that for GPs in training who are working in hospitals. Especially part time GPs in training had a lower gross wage per hour. One third of the GPs in training had no free days for educational purposes. More than half of the GPs in training had a weekly meeting with their supervisor, however, more than one third of GPs in training had no or only irregular meetings with their supervisor.
Conclusions: In Germany, GPs in training earn in ambulatory care less than in hospital care. They do not have sufficient free days for educational purposes and often there is a lack of supervision. This seems to indicate that GPs in training are mainly considered as cheap coworkers instead of trainees.
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.