Introduction: The cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS) is characterized by cyclic episodes of nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain, and occurs in young adults with long-term cannabis use. The feature of this syndrome is the relief of symptoms with hot showers. We report here six cases report.
Case reports: Three women and 3 men, chronic consumers of cannabis, presented with typical features of the CHS, but the syndrome remained undiagnosed until then: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain with morning ascendancy and loss of weight occurring in adult's of less than 50 years. The symptoms were improved by taking repeated hot showers. The medical investigations were negative. After addictologist care and cannabis weaning, digestive symptoms disappeared.
Conclusion: The CHS is based on a clinical diagnosis. When undiagnosed, clinical presentation leads to a medical wandering and to the realization of repeated, expensive, and sometimes invasive exams. The physiopathology is not clear. The treatment relies on the definitive cannabis weaning.
Keywords: Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome; Cannabis; Douches chaudes; Hot showers; Syndrome d’hyperémèse cannabique; Vomissement; Vomiting.
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