High-relaxivity T1-weighted (T1w) MR molecular imaging nanoparticles typically present high surface gadolinium payloads that can elicit significant acute complement activation (CA). The objective of this research was to develop a high T1w contrast nanoparticle with improved safety. We report the development, optimization, and characterization of a gadolinium-manganese hybrid nanocolloid (MnOL-Gd NC; 138±10 (Dav)/nm; PDI: 0.06; zeta: -27±2 mV). High r1 particulate relaxivity with minute additions of Gd-DOTA-lipid conjugate to the MnOL nanocolloid surface achieved an unexpected paramagnetic synergism. This hybrid MnOL-Gd NC provided optimal MR TSE signal intensity at 5 nM/voxel and lower levels consistent with the level expression anticipated for sparse biomarkers, such as neovascular integrins. MnOL NC produced optimal MR TSE signal intensity at 10 nM/voxel concentrations and above. Importantly, MnOL-Gd NC avoided acute CA in vitro and in vivo while retaining minimal transmetallation risk. From the clinical editor: The authors developed a gadolinium-manganese hybrid nanocolloid (MnOL-Gd NC) in this study. These were used as a high-relaxivity paramagnetic MR molecular imaging agent in experimental models. It was shown that MnOL-Gd NC could provide high T1w MR contrast for targeted imaging. As the level of gadolinium used was reduced, there was also reduced risk of systemic side effects from complement activation.
Keywords: Complement activation; Contrast media; Gadolinium; MRI; Manganese; Nanoparticle.
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