The purpose of our study was to examine the psychological benefits of the treatment with Robuvit® (Horphag Research Ltd.) - polyphenolic extract obtained from the wood of oak Quercus robur - on the healthy elderly individuals using energy subscale scores of the Activation - Deactivation Adjective Check List. Analysis was focused on the comparison of pre-post treatment effect of Robuvit on symptoms of fatigue. In the total group of volunteers, significant increase of average question scores was found in three of four subscales of feelings (energy, tiredness, and tension) after 4 weeks of Robuvit administration. Effects of extract were observed mainly after stratification of total group of volunteers according to the level of feeling at the pre-treatment questionnaire. Our results demonstrate positive effect of Robuvit on mental and energy level in healthy human without any unwanted side effects.
Keywords: Quercus robur; Robuvit; ellagitannins; fatigue; roburins.
© 2015 The Authors Phytotherapy Research Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.