Priority survey between indicators and analytic hierarchy process analysis for green chemistry technology assessment

Environ Health Toxicol. 2015 Jun 12:30 Suppl:s2015003. doi: 10.5620/eht.s2015003. eCollection 2015.


Objectives: This study presents the indicators and proxy variables for the quantitative assessment of green chemistry technologies and evaluates the relative importance of each assessment element by consulting experts from the fields of ecology, chemistry, safety, and public health.

Methods: The results collected were subjected to an analytic hierarchy process to obtain the weights of the indicators and the proxy variables.

Results: These weights may prove useful in avoiding having to resort to qualitative means in absence of weights between indicators when integrating the results of quantitative assessment by indicator.

Conclusions: This study points to the limitations of current quantitative assessment techniques for green chemistry technologies and seeks to present the future direction for quantitative assessment of green chemistry technologies.

Keywords: Analytic hierarchy process analysis; Green chemistry technology assessment; Impact metrics for environmental; Priority survey; Toxic potential indicator; safety; socioeconomic.