157 cases of malignant infiltrative tumors of urinary bladder admitted and treated in a 5-year interval (1983-1988) are presented. Considerations on age, sex, urological history, associated urological disorders, symptoms and clinical examination, diagnostic methods, surgical procedures and their association with other non-surgical procedures, postoperative evolution, pathological examination of the resection sample, tumoral stage, recurrences are made. Five cases treated by various methods are presented in detail. The clinical and laboratory diagnosis, therapeutical methods and the staged therapeutical indications are also commented upon. In the malignant infiltrative tumors of urinary bladder the authors recommend the partial cystectomy which, when correctly indicated and performed, gave similar results as total cystectomy. It is also underlined that in case of an urographically silent kidney the attitude should be conservative and the treatment of the malignant infiltrative tumors of urinary bladder should be multimodal.