Successful mucosal incision-assisted biopsy for the histological diagnosis of duodenal lymphoma: A case report

Oncol Lett. 2016 Jan;11(1):531-534. doi: 10.3892/ol.2015.3973. Epub 2015 Nov 25.


Tissue sampling of primary duodenal lymphoma is essential for its histological diagnosis. Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration (EUS-FNA), which is frequently used for submucosal tumor (SMT)-like duodenal tumors, is adequate for cytological diagnosis, but not for histological diagnosis. Therefore, in the present study, a mucosal incision-assisted biopsy (MIAB) was performed in an 81-year-old woman for the diagnosis of an SMT-like duodenal mass, as tissue sampling for histological analysis using a regular endoscopic biopsy had failed to establish a definite diagnosis of malignant lymphoma. EUS-FNA had also led to poor tissue sampling due to the difficult location of the duodenal tumor. The pathological examination of biopsy samples using MIAB revealed the presence of a diffuse proliferation of atypical lymphocytes, and the expression of cluster of differentiation (CD)20 and CD79a, but no expression of CD3 in the tumor specimens. The patient was diagnosed with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. To the best of knowledge, this is first report of a case using MIAB as a sampling method for the histological diagnosis of SMT-like primary duodenal lymphoma. This case suggests that MIAB may be an essential method for obtaining tissue samples from SMT-like duodenal tumors.

Keywords: duodenal lymphoma; endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration; histological diagnosis; mucosal incision-assisted biopsy; submucosal tumor.