After an uncomplicated pregnancy and delivery, this female child suddenly became quadriplegic on the fifth day of life. She gradually regained movement in her upper extremities. At 2 months of age, she exhibited paraplegia with exaggerated deep tendon reflexes in the lower extremities. Babinski reflex was present bilaterally and sensory disturbances below the trunk were suspected. Somatosensory evoked potentials after median and ulnar nerve stimulation revealed preserved conduction from the upper extremities through the cervical spinal cord to the cortex. Somatosensory evoked potentials after posterior tibial nerve stimulation suggested disturbed conduction in the upper thoracic spinal cord. Magnetic resonance imaging disclosed a hypodense area in the thoracic cord between T1 and T4 on both the T1-weighted and gradient echo images consonant with an old hematoma cavity. Digital subtraction angiography failed to demonstrate any vascular malformation.