Renowned national specialists in multiple sclerosis (MS) met, for the eighth year in a row, to give details of the latest novelties presented at the last ECTRIMS Congress 2015, which are included in this review. One of the highlights at this Congress was the new classification of the phenotypes of MS. Both the diagnostic criteria of the neuromyelitis optica spectrum and the problems involved in the differential diagnosis derived from the lack of definition of the radiological spectrum were reviewed. The microbiota comes to the fore as a possible factor determining the disease, together with extrinsic factors such as tobacco, salt ingestion or vitamin D deficiency. Advances made in immunomodulation are driving the progress being made in the treatment of MS. Ocrelizumab is the first treatment with positive results in the primarily progressive forms and tocilizumab, a drug product for rheumatoid arthritis, stands out as a potential candidate for the treatment of neuromyelitis optica. Certain antibiotics and vitamins could also play a role in the treatment of MS. In this edition of the Congress special attention was paid to personalised therapy. To date, 11 drugs have been approved for use in Europe. There is a need for therapeutic algorithms that help us to choose the best treatment for each patient. Likewise, we need to be able to identify, in the early stages of the disease, the risk of developing disability, so as to be able to design therapeutic strategies. To do so, molecular biomarkers and other predictive tools are required. The problems that still exist in software technology in magnetic resonance hinder its application in daily clinical practice.
Title: Revision de las novedades del XXXI Congreso ECTRIMS 2015, presentadas en la VIII Reunion Post-ECTRIMS.
Reconocidos especialistas nacionales en esclerosis multiple (EM) se han reunido, por octavo año consecutivo, para exponer lo mas novedoso que se presento en la ultima edicion del congreso ECTRIMS 2015 y que recoge esta revision. En esta edicion ha destacado la nueva clasificacion de los fenotipos de la EM. Tambien se revisaron los criterios diagnosticos del espectro de la neuromielitis optica y los problemas en el diagnostico diferencial derivados de la falta de definicion del espectro radiologico. La microbiota adquiere protagonismo como posible factor determinante de la enfermedad, junto con factores extrinsecos como el tabaco, la ingesta de sal o el deficit de vitamina D. Los avances en inmunomodulacion impulsan el progreso en el tratamiento de la EM. El ocrelizumab es el primer tratamiento con resultados positivos en las formas primariamente progresivas, y el tocilizumab, un farmaco para la artritis reumatoide, destaca como candidato potencial para el tratamiento de la neuromielitis optica. Ciertos antibioticos y vitaminas tambien podrian tener un papel en el tratamiento de la EM. En esta edicion se presto especial atencion a la terapia personalizada. Actualmente disponemos de 11 farmacos aprobados en Europa. Se necesitan algoritmos terapeuticos que nos ayuden a elegir el mejor tratamiento para cada paciente. Asimismo, necesitamos poder identificar en los estadios precoces de la enfermedad el riesgo de desarrollar discapacidad, para diseñar estrategias terapeuticas, para lo que se precisan biomarcadores moleculares y otras herramientas pronosticas. Los problemas aun existentes en la tecnologia del software en resonancia magnetica dificultan su traslacion a la practica clinica diaria.