The 136 patients who underwent total laryngectomy as the primary treatment for squamous cell carcinoma of the glottis at the Mayo Clinic in 1970 through 1981 were followed by retrospective record review for at least 4 years or until death, local recurrence, neck recurrence, or delayed neck metastasis. Cancer recurred or progressed in a previously untreated area in 35 patients; for the 29 affected above the clavicles, the median time to manifestation was 9.9 months. A Cox model with four risk factors (P less than 0.05) was found to predict failure above the clavicles: lymph node metastasis in the laryngectomy specimen (Delphian, pretracheal, tracheoesophageal, parathyroid), primary tumor more than 1.5 cm in greatest diameter, subglottic extension, and lymph node metastasis in the neck dissection specimen. A simple risk score computed from the Cox model shows that the more factors present, the higher the risk of disease progression or recurrence.