Purpose: To investigate the impact of disability and sexual dysfunction on Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) among Nigerian stroke survivors (SSv) and to determine their association using sexual functioning (SF), Global Disability Measure and Function (GDMF), and demographic profiles.
Methods: This study involved 121 consecutive SSv attending healthcare services in two tertiary health facilities in Nigeria. Demographic details were obtained through interview while HRQoL, SF, and Global Disability (GD) were assessed using Stroke-Specific Quality of Life (SS-QoL-12), Changes in Sexual Functioning Questionnaire (CSFQ-14), and World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS-2.0), respectively. Determinants of HRQoL were explored using the Poisson regression analysis.
Results: Most of the SSv had moderate/severe GD (95%) and low SF (86.8%). Their HRQoL decreased with increase in their age (p = 0.005) and with increase in GD (p = 0.001). This association remained unchanged even when adjusted for SF (p = 0.001). Those with low SF but with mild GD had relatively better HRQoL than those with moderate/severe GD even when they had higher SF. Their HRQoL was negatively impacted by their GD but not by their SF despite direct correlation between SF and HRQoL. With a unit increase in level of GD, there was 8% decrease in HRQoL scores in psychosocial and 17% decrease in physical domains.
Conclusion: Although sexual dysfunction and global disability are prevalent among Nigerian SSv, their low HRQoL is determined by their disability and not by SF. Hence, effort at reducing global disability should be the focus of rehabilitation after stroke. Implication for Rehabilitation Global functional and sexual deficiencies abound in stroke survivors and they impact negatively on their overall quality of life. Sexual dysfunction correlates negatively on physical and psychosocial wellbeing of stroke survivors. Rehabilitation goal(s) should focus disability reduction and improvement of sexual functioning to enhance quality of life. Rehabilitation professionals should equip themselves with tools to counsel stroke survivors on sex issue since sexual dysfunction is common post stroke.
Keywords: Health-Related Quality of Life; Nigeria; disability; sexual dysfunction; stroke survivors.