Environmental Instability and Degradation of Single- and Few-Layer WTe2 Nanosheets in Ambient Conditions

Small. 2016 Nov;12(42):5802-5808. doi: 10.1002/smll.201601207. Epub 2016 Sep 8.


The ambient environmental instability and degradation mechanism of single- and few-layer WTe2 are investigated. Oxidation of W and Te atoms appears to be a main reason for degradation. Single-layer samples' Raman signals disappear within 20 min in air. Few-layer WTe2 exhibits saturating degradation behavior: only the top layer WTe2 is oxidized; the degraded layer can protect inner layers from further degradation.

Keywords: 2D semiconductors; AES; Raman; degradation; nanosheets; tungsten ditelluride (WTe2).