Aim: The present survey investigates the views of medical oncologists, general practitioners (GPs) and patients about the various surveillance strategies.
Methods: An online survey was conducted in Italy on a population of 329 medical oncologists, 380 GPs and 350 patients.
Results: Most of GPs (n = 291; 76%) claim that follow-up should be provided by the collaboration between GPs and medical oncologists. Most medical oncologists report to have a poor relationship with GPs (n = 151; 46%) or no relationships at all (n = 14; 4%). Most patients believe there is no real collaboration between medical oncologists and GPs (n = 138; 54%).
Conclusion: GPs, medical oncologists and patients share the idea that the collaboration between oncologists and GPs for surveillance of cancer survivors is poor and should be improved.
Keywords: cancer survivors; follow-up; general practitioners; oncologists; patients; surveillance.