Fit-for-purpose biomarker immunoassay qualification and validation: three case studies

Bioanalysis. 2016 Nov;8(22):2329-2340. doi: 10.4155/bio-2016-0184. Epub 2016 Oct 7.


Aim: To improve on the efficiency of biomarker assay readiness, and for reliable biomarker data to support three drug programs, we implemented a fit-for-purpose approach, qualifying two biomarker assays and validating a third. Results/methodology: The qualification strategy and selection of experiments for two exploratory biomarkers (CXCL1, CCL19) was determined by the intended use of the biomarker data. The third biomarker, IL-6, was validated as the data would be used in monitoring patient safety during dose-escalation studies in a Phase I trial. All three assays passed a priori acceptance criteria.

Conclusion: These assays highlight strategies and methodologies for a fit-for-purpose approach. Minimum qualification, full qualification and validation were chosen and supported programs at different stages of drug development.

Keywords: FFP; assay; biomarker; development; qualification; validation.