Simple production of membrane-based LiNbO3 micro-modulators with integrated tapers

Opt Lett. 2016 Nov 1;41(21):5110-5113. doi: 10.1364/OL.41.005110.


We report on free-standing electro-optical LiNbO3 waveguides with integrated tapers made by optical grade dicing. Membranes with a calibrated thickness are produced simultaneously with tapers acting as spot-size converters. Thereby, thicknesses from 450 to 500 μm can simply be achieved together with integrated tapers guaranteeing low insertion losses. These developments open the way to the low-cost production of compact and low-power-consuming electro-optical components. As an example, a 200 μm-long free-standing electro-optical Fabry-Perot is demonstrated with a figure of merit of only 0.19 V·cm in a 4.5 μm-thick membrane.