Systematic recording of practical implementation of current recommendations of KRINKO for the prevention of nosocomial infections in premature and newborn infants in children's hospitals in Thuringia. All neonatal treatment centers in Thuringia (n=18) were included in this survey. Answer were received from 83% (15/18). Degree of compliance was 100% in level-1 (3/3) and level-2 centers (5/5), and 70% in level-3 centers (7/10). The aim of the questionnaire was to evaluate infection prevention measures as well as structural/organizational parameters in neonatal centers in Thuringia. Preventive measures as well as weekly screening for colonization was fully performed in patients with a birth weight <1 500 g (n=205) at all centers. Additionally, prolonged screening and colonization surveillance measures were performed in 60% of all units until discharge from the hospital. Results related to structural/organizational parameters and especially structural conditions in neonatal centers in Thuringia pointed up challenges (2 m minimum distance between incubators in 27% (n=4/15), isolation in single room in 53% (n=8/15)). Insufficient number of staff also hamper the complete implementation of KRINKO recommendations (intensive care unit: patient/staff ratio (MW±SD) 2.5±1.1; newborn area 4.3±0.9). Analysis shows actual rate of implementation of KRINKO recommendations as well as structural/organizational parameters in neonatal treatment centers in Thuringia. It provides important points for discussion regarding necessary staff numbers and structural conditions. Analysis could also be used for future surveys in other regions in Germany.
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.