High spectral resolution spectrometers were used to detect optical signals ofongoing plant stress in potted white clover canopies subjected to ozone fumigation. Thecase of ozone stress is used in this manuscript as a paradigm of oxidative stress. Steadystatefluorescence (Fs) and the Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) were investigatedas advanced hyperspectral remote sensing techniques able to sense variations in the excessenergy dissipation pathways occurring when photosynthesis declines in plants exposed to astress agent. Fs and PRI were monitored in control and ozone fumigated canopies during a21-day experiment together with the traditional Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI) and physiological measurements commonly employed by physiologists to describestress development (i.e. net CO₂ assimilation, active fluorimetry, chlorophyll concentrationand visible injuries). It is shown that remote detection of an ongoing stress through Fs andPRI can be achieved in an early phase, characterized by the decline of photosynthesis. Onthe contrary, NDVI was able to detect the stress only when damage occurred. These resultsopen up new possibilities for assessment of plant stress by means of hyperspectral remotesensing.
Keywords: PRI; Vegetation stress; hyperspectral remote sensing; passive fluorescence..