Liver homogenates phosphorylated Ins 1,3,4-P3 to an InsP4 isomer that was distinct from Ins 1,3,4,5-P4. This InsP4 isomer accumulated in vasopressin stimulated hepatocytes prelabeled with myo-[3H]inositol with a time course that lagged behind Ins 1,3,4-P3 formation. The Ins 1,3,4-P3 kinase responsible for its formation was partially purified from rat liver. The enzyme had a Km for Ins 1,3,4-P3 of 0.29 microM, a Km for ATP of 141 microM and was not affected by changes in free Ca2+ in the physiological range. The relationship of this new InsP4 isomer to the inositol phosphate signaling pathway is discussed.