Deep Brain Stimulation of the H Fields of Forel Alleviates Tics in Tourette Syndrome

Front Hum Neurosci. 2017 Jun 13:11:308. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00308. eCollection 2017.


The current rationale for target selection in Tourette syndrome revolves around the notion of cortico-basal ganglia circuit involvement in the pathophysiology of the disease. However, despite extensive research, the ideal target for deep brain stimulation (DBS) is still under debate, with many structures being neglected and underexplored. Based on clinical observations and taking into account the prevailing hypotheses of network processing in Tourette syndrome, we chose the fields of Forel, namely field H1, as a target for DBS. The fields of Forel constitute the main link between the striatopallidal system and the thalamocortical network, relaying pallidothalamic projections from core anatomical structures to the thalamic ventral nuclear group. In a retrospective study we investigated two patients suffering from chronic, medically intractable Tourette syndrome who underwent bilateral lead implantation in field H1 of Forel. Clinical scales revealed significant alleviation of tics and comorbid symptoms, namely depression and anxiety, in the postoperative course in both patients.

Keywords: CSTC; Tourette syndrome; deep brain stimulation; fields of forel; pallidothalamic fibers; subthalamus.

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  • Case Reports