For the ninth year in a row the Post-ECTRIMS Meeting has been held in Madrid (Spain) with the aim of presenting and discussing the hottest issues debated at the ECTRIMS Congress by renowned specialists in multiple sclerosis in our country. One outcome of this scientific activity, endorsed by the Spanish Neurology Society, is this review article, which is published in two parts. This second part reflects the current controversy over the management of multiple sclerosis, especially as regards the progressive forms and their differential diagnosis. The work presents the latest advances in remyelination, where the use of the micropillar technique in laboratory stands out, and in neuroprotection, which is reviewed through a study of the optic nerve. Anti-CD20 antibodies are a very promising development and we find ourselves before a new mechanism of action and therapeutic target in cells to which little attention has been paid to date. Another notable fact is the high correlation between the levels of neurofilaments in cerebrospinal fluid and in serum, which could make it possible to avoid the use of cerebrospinal fluid as a biological sample in future studies of biomarkers. The review also provides a preview of the advances in clinical research, which will converge in clinical practice in the future, thereby conditioning the steps that should be taken in the therapeutic management of multiple sclerosis.
Title: Revision de las novedades del XXXII Congreso ECTRIMS 2016, presentadas en la IX Reunion Post-ECTRIMS (II).
Por noveno año consecutivo se ha celebrado en Madrid (España) la Reunion Post-ECTRIMS con el objetivo de presentar y discutir los temas mas debatidos en el congreso ECTRIMS de la mano de reconocidos especialistas en esclerosis multiple de nuestro pais. Fruto de esta reunion cientifica, avalada por la Sociedad Española de Neurologia, se genera este articulo de revision que sale publicado en dos partes. En esta segunda parte se pone de manifiesto la controversia actual en el manejo de la esclerosis multiple, especialmente en cuanto a formas progresivas y diagnostico diferencial se refiere. Se presentan los ultimos avances en remielinizacion, donde destaca el uso de la tecnica con micropilares en el laboratorio, y en neuroproteccion, la cual se revisa a traves del estudio del nervio optico. Los anticuerpos anti-CD20 ofrecen grandes expectativas, y estamos ante un nuevo mecanismo de accion y diana terapeutica en unas celulas a las que les habiamos prestado poca atencion hasta la fecha. Otro hecho destacable es la elevada correlacion entre los niveles de neurofilamentos en el liquido cefalorraquideo y el suero, que podria evitar el uso del liquido cefalorraquideo como muestra biologica en futuros estudios de biomarcadores. Tambien se anticipan los avances en investigacion clinica que en el futuro acabaran convergiendo en la practica clinica, condicionando los pasos que se deberan seguir en el abordaje terapeutico de la esclerosis multiple.