Background: In preparation for an autologous stem cell transplantation, patients undergo chemomobilization; however, a dearth of standardized, evidence-based patient education on chemomobilization exists in the literature and in practice. .
Objectives: The purpose of this quality improvement educational initiative is to identify an evidence-based approach to appraise the educational needs of patients and their caregivers and to enhance chemomobilization education. .
Methods: A review of the literature related to chemomobilization was conducted, as well as an informal survey of educational practices at five National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer centers. A 14-item survey was administered to 50 patients who underwent chemomobilization to assess their educational needs, experiences, and preferences. .
Findings: Patients prefer written information to review. Receiving verbal education from reliable healthcare providers in a structured format may enhance effective comprehension and retention. Patients identified timing, process, side effects, and expectations about chemomobilization as the most important topics to include in education.
Keywords: autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; chemomobilization; education.